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Julianne Reynolds is an internationally known documentary filmmaker, photographer, writer and Founder of Romanski Films. She began her film career in New York City while studying graphic design at the School for Visual Arts. When she relocated to Los Angeles, this grew into a call-to-action format in her film work combined with her humanitarian efforts. Using her real-life experience as a filmmaker traveling through impoverished areas of the East, Julianne has proven her extensive background in journalism and documentary filmmaking as a story-collector.


To Julianne everything is story. She dives into political campaigns, environmental issues, social and equal-rights issues, globalized sex-trafficking issues – and more. The exit is never clear to her, for she gives voice to social causes that need to be heard on a global level. Her magnetism to beauty juxtaposition to important causes is a unique blend that gives her a sophisticated eye for the unseen. Her style is beyond time, and intuitively driven to connect with the world and people to tell real stories directly from the heart.


Julianne’s film work has appeared in, “No Subtitles Necessary,” 2010 Emmy Nomination, “Breast’s”, a short documentary she directed, Official Selection for the New York Independent International Film Festival, Farewell to Harry, and Best Film at the Seattle International Film Festival, Bhairavi Sky, Best Film at the Utah Dance Film Festival & 2017 Gold Kahuna Award for Short Film. Julianne’s film work has appeared in several independent films and most recently featured on CNN.


Her most notable experience was in 2010 when she had the honor to film, Wangari Maathai, 2004 Nobel Price Winner from Africa. Julianne has filmed some the top spiritual, musical and scientific masters in the world, which includes, Pir Zia Inayat-Khan, Krishna Das, Mooji, Deepak Chopra, Amritananda Guruji, Swami Vidyadhishananda, Dr. Krishna Kant Shukla, Jai Uttal, Deva Premal & Mitten, David Newman (Durga Das) and Mark S.G. Dyczkowski.


Julianne’s photographic works have appeared in Yoga Journal, Whole Life Times, Flavorpill, and Common Ground Magazine, Tathaastu Magazine, Yoga International, Yoga Journal Australia, Ojai Foundation Quarterly and South China Morning Post, and featured in the recently published book series, “Goddess and the Guru, based on the work of, nuclear physicist turned master of Sri Vidya, Sri Amritananda Natha Saraswati of Devipuram, India.


Julianne is in post-production for her second documentary film, called “The Mother Matrix”, shot in the villages of southern India. She is also the Executive Producer for the documentary, “Redemption, in light of Duga”, which addresses sex trafficking in Kolkata.



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